The bus driver, a lively character who calls himself Tommy Transit, entertained us by drumming in time with music from a vintage 8-track tape player. He managed to steer the bus with his feet while drumming with both hands (and Elliot will confirm this).

Galiano is a pretty island with lots of public art. Here is an interesting mural at the Galiano Inn.

While at Montague Harbor we also made our first attempt to catch crabs with our new West Marine crab trap. We caught a Dungeness Crab, but it was too small and we had to throw it back. Here is Elliot driving the dinghy out to pick up our crab pot, which we left off a sandy beach.

Galiano is pretty civilized. It has good restaurants and good enough WiFi connections to allow us to watch a semi-final World Cup game (Spain vs. Germany).
On July 7, we moved on to Wallace Island, where we anchored in a small cove. Here is a picture we took from the boat while there.

The next day we continued north to Nanaimo.
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